Tip of the Week: Managing Email Chaos

Emails have been one of the most crucial communication tools businesses have used for a long time. But often, we end up cluttering inboxes, thereby not managing email properly and realizing its fullest potential. Today, we will walk you through certain tips and tricks to streamline your business emails. These tips can probably help you […]

Tip of the Week: Taking Your Password Practices to the Next Level

Passwords are necessary and annoying at the same time. They play a pivotal role in ensuring business security. Passwords should not just be secure; they also need to be helpful.  Let’s explore why it is essential to use great password practices, and setting passwords is just the beginning of something new for your organization.  Don’t […]

Tip of the Week: Three Best Practices for Project Management

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If you’re running an organization, you must be handling multiple projects at once. The success of the projects depends on how effectively you can reach the goals and KPIs. However, different projects have different metrics and challenges. Hence, you need to be aware of certain project management strategies to manage multiple projects. In this article, […]

IT Security Tip of the Week: Five Tricks to Identifying a Phishing Attempt

Phishing is a serious security concern for any organization: big or small. You need to be aware of the warning signs to prevent it from wreaking havoc on your business.  Phoenix IT security company MyTek shares some tips and tricks to identify a phishing attempt. By sharing these tips with your employees, you can protect […]

Android Work Profiles Enable Productivity

A lot of people want to use their personal devices for professional work. But it’s not always possible as many businesses don’t support the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy or use Android work profiles which can lead to potential cyber threats and data loss.  There needs to be a proper balance between using a […]

MyTek’s Tip of the Week: Organization Inside Windows 10

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Your PC has hundreds of files, folders, and applications. But are they organized well? Are they easily available when you need them? If not, your Windows 10 PC is cluttered, and you end up wasting a lot of time searching for crucial documents. But, don’t worry! IT services provider MyTek will guide you in organizing […]

MyTek’s Tip of the Week: How to Improve Office Productivity

Some people are more productive than others while working from the office. Unproductive conversations, loud music, system failures, and lack of planning are the greatest productivity thieves in a work environment. When planned properly, you can maximize your office productivity in a distraction-free environment. Today MyTek gives you four crucial tips to enhance your work […]

MyTek’s Tip of the Week: How to Align Your IT with Your Goals

Every business hardware comes with an expiry date. At some point, you need to either replace the components or change the hardware altogether. It can be taxing for your business as an upgrade comes with additional costs. Also, there could be misalignment with your IT goals. But don’t worry, MyTek will guide you through this […]


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