Zero Trust Security Will Keep Your Business Safe – Here’s How

Remote work introduces risks that weren’t relevant to the work environment before. In terms of your business’s cybersecurity, remote working makes it a lot easier for hackers and threats to seep through. Today, we’re going to talk about how you can incorporate zero trust security into your team’s game plan and how it will help uphold your security efforts.

Zero-Trust Security Means Trust No One

Business networks are no longer needed in a single location, especially due to cloud computing and mobile solutions. Because of this simple fact, you can’t just incorporate security the same way you would if all of your employees were working in one office.

Why is Zero-Trust So Necessary?

Because of your employees working on multiple networks and devices, you will need to expand network profiles. This will cause insecurity unless you get to work. Many attacks attempt to fool users into giving them access, so a zero trust security process can help your team keep out intruders.

Zero Trust Practices to Try

But what do we mean by this? How can your employees not trust anything? Here are some basic processes you can start out with!

Verify, Don’t Trust

Instead of blind trusting, you should encourage your team to verify everything before consenting access. All communications should be verified through secondary means before they allow any permissions.

Require Stringent Authentication

We know you’ve heard of the three-step authentication. Start using that, and make it harder for threats to get in unnoticed. 

Reinforce the Importance of Zero Trust Adherence

Don’t just teach your team about the ways to incorporate zero trust security, but also explain to them why it matters and what can happen if they don’t do it correctly. MyTek can help keep your company safe from threats of any nature, so give us a call today at 623-312-2440 to learn more about security protections, policies and practices.

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