What is Microsoft Teams and How to Use Teams

Microsoft Teams, often referred to as Team, is a collaboration and communication platform that is ideal for business, especially if they have remote workers. Teams uses video meetings, file storage, chat functions, project management and application integration all within their one tool. Teams is the teamwork hub for the Microsoft 365 Office suite.

How to Get Started Using Teams

To use this application, you’ll sign in with your Microsoft 365 username and password. Then, once logged in, you’ll be able to get started.

What is a Team in Teams?

A team is a collection of people, files, tools and conversations that live within one location. This is where teams of people gather together to work.

What is a Channel in Teams?

A channel is a discussion that is specific to one project, department or topic. Within an organization, everyone can be in a team, but only certain people will be within a channel.

Breaking Down Microsoft Teams’ Features

You’ll need to understand some key features in teams before you get started. Here are some of the most useful features that are offered.

How to Communicate in Teams 

Posts are organized by date and then threaded to keep communication organized. You can respond to a thread by clicking “reply.” If you’d like to notify someone specifically, you can @ them. You can also @ the entire team or channel to notify everyone.

Conversations in Teams

Start a new conversation by selecting the team and channel and clicking “send.” This can also be done with one or more individuals. This is done by clicking the “to” field and adding in the people you want. Once a conversation is started, all messages stay within that chain.

Impromptu and Scheduled Meetings in Teams

Within this application, you can schedule meetings or you can also have impromptu on the fly meetings. To schedule a meeting, click the Calendar icon and press “+ New Meeting.” To start a meeting on the whim, click the Channel you want and click “reply” then click the camera icon.

Sharing Files in Teams

You can share files by attaching them to your message.

Adding Apps to Teams

Integrate different apps into Team by selecting the “Apps” section. You can make these apps available to everyone or just for yourself.

Have Some Fun in Teams and Add Personality to Your Interactions

Working remotely can seem really dry, so remember to throw in some fun and personality in to your messages. This can be done with the sticker option, where you can add emojis, gifs, stickers or memes.

Next Steps with Teams

Teams can seem overwhelming at first, but MyTek is here to help you understand all of its beneficial features. Give us a call today to discuss Microsoft Teams and how it can help your team out in the communication department.

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