Top 10 Ways a Phoenix Managed IT Services Partner Can Support Your Business Growth


Businesses in Phoenix, AZ are rapidly upscaling their IT infrastructure but the process requires an enormous amount of money, time, and technological know-how. Even if you manage to upgrade your tech stack, it can quickly become outdated with new innovations and regulatory changes. That’s why most businesses are going the managed IT route. Phoenix managed IT services companies handle the bulk of your IT needs—from server maintenance, security patches, and 24/7 monitoring to cloud deployment and security counseling. With MSPs, you can pick the IT  services you want to outsource, select a fixed fee and free yourself to focus on your core competencies.

This essentially means that you’re trusting third-party experts with your IT needs. But with the cost of cybercrime rising to $8 trillion in 2023, the benefits of managed IT services in Phoenix far outweigh the cons, provided you do your due diligence.

Here are 10 ways MSPs can support your Phoenix business growth:

  1. Predictability

Businesses crave predictability and long-term stability to have better control over roadmaps and finances. And that’s what MSPs offer. With fixed monthly costs, you can budget ahead and as your business scales, these services can be modified according to your needs. The IT experts can offer you insights into industry trends and improve decision-making in the long run. Ultimately,  you can channel your efforts to core business functions.

  1. Less downtime on IT issues

According to Uptime Institute, 80% of data center managers experienced some form of outage in 2022 with 60% of them costing businesses over $100,000! Downtimes are a major challenge for companies and even more so for smaller businesses that don’t have adequate backup plans to avoid or mitigate outages. 

MSPs can prevent downtimes from becoming a major issue by utilizing proactive maintenance strategies, disaster recovery plans, and preempting threats. All of these contribute to business continuity, allowing you to have an edge against your competitors.

  1. Increased productivity 

Since MSPs are proactive and responsive, Phoenix businesses are more likely to get issues resolved faster. This way, employees can get back to their tasks quickly without worrying about regular maintenance and troubleshooting. One of the perks of having a proactive mindset in IT is that systems rarely break down during work. On top of that, the experience of MSPs helps companies with better documentation of procedures and response channels.

  1. Improved IT security 

Security is a big part of Phoenix managed IT services and one of the primary reasons why companies look for MSPs instead of trusting in-house teams on this. MSPs minimize vulnerability windows, improve access control and system update policies, implement encryption and communication protocols, and stay up-to-date with cutting-edge data threats to avoid risks. 

  1. Lower overall operating costs

When you have most of your IT needs being taken care of at a fixed cost, you’re bound to save substantial operating costs. With inflation and the rise of labor costs, employers are expected to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars for top talents. On top of payroll costs, you also have to pay for frequent seminars and training and invest in hardware and digital assets to run the company smoothly. All of these can impact the bottom line, something that can be solved with MSPs offering service packages. Since you only pay for services you use, you not only end up saving payroll costs but also run an asset-independent business. 

  1. Access to expert knowledge

One of the biggest challenges Phoenix businesses are facing today is the lack of skilled professionals. Thanks to evolving security threats enabled by AI, it’s more important to have best-in-class talents working on your business. MSPs have experienced professionals who are working in adjacent fields for years and they’re incentivized to stay up to date with new developments. When you hire an MSP in Phoenix, you can leverage their knowledge to bridge the talent gap and even use them to train your in-house employees. 

  1. Easier, faster technology adoption

This is an extension of the point we made above. When you have access to industry experts, your IT infrastructure is bound to be lean, efficient, and flexible. This means you can adopt new technologies faster, test cutting-edge trends before deploying them and build custom software that works with your business model. In a world where data is the new water, you cannot risk using old and depreciated assets to run your business.

  1. Regular IT updates 

Most companies that don’t work in tech industries or employees that are not tech savvy, complain about regular software and security updates impeding workflows. They try their best to delay security patches or avoid installing them altogether which ends up making your systems more vulnerable. 

With Phoenix-managed IT services, you don’t have to worry about regularly updating work devices as this is covered in MSP SLAs. Part of proactive monitoring is making sure all devices are running up-to-date software and that the system’s integrity is intact.

  1. Faster IT support resolution

MSPs act as your personal support staff to troubleshoot any issues that might come up while working. From database management, and firewall installation to password and access management, MSPs offer faster resolutions to team members on a daily basis. If support is something you’re struggling to provide to your customers, most MSPs also offer helpdesk support. 

  1. Peace of mind

More than costs, extra security, better standards, and flexibility, it’s the peace of mind that encourages businesses to hire a Phoenix MSP. Knowing that you don’t have to worry about every little IT issue and that you’re on par with bigger organizations in terms of IT infrastructure, without investing as much, helps you to focus on core operations. 

MyTek: best managed IT service company in Phoenix

It’s not easy to find a great MSP in Phoenix that’ll listen to your specific business needs and offer tailored solutions. MyTek has been specializing in cutting-edge IT, cloud, and Microsoft management services for decades, making sure Phoenix businesses get world-class IT services. To know more about how we can help your business grow, get in touch with us today!

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Our goal is to reinvent the managed IT experience for growing Arizona businesses through a partnership with no long-term commitments, technology options that are flexible to meet your needs and infrastructure and strategy that position your technology as a competitive advantage.

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