Forming A Data Breach Response Plan Can Save Your Business

For obvious reasons, here at MyTek, we like to focus on the prevention and avoidance of cybersecurity breaches, but even so, it is important to address how you should respond if a successful breach is headed your way. Today, we’re going to talk about a data breach response plan.

But what is a breach response plan and what should be included?

Business Continuity Plan

When it comes to a data breach response is basically a business continuity plan or a way for you to make sure your business will stay running during and after a tragedy. Here is what your response plan should specify:

  • What your definition of a breach is and its qualifications
  • How your team will internally process and share news of a breach
  • Contact information of your breach reaction team
  • How your team will identify the cause of the breach, how they will isolate all impacted systems and how to notify parties involved
  • A list of reparations to be made to those was impacted, like identity theft and credit monitoring

If you have a prepared plan put together, it can help your team eliminate costs and also save time, being able to work quickly. 

The Steps of Data Breach Response Development

1. Identify Potential Vulnerabilities

What might lead your business’ data to be breached? Hopefully nothing, but in a general sense” is it employee error, data loss, disruption of service? You should have a clear view of what it might be caused by and what it will affect (like your business’ reputation or legal ramifications).

2. Assign Roles to Your Team

All hands-on deck. When it comes to a breach, your entire team should be involved and should have an assigned role. Write down who would be responsible for what, so when the time comes (or if), they are ready to help.

3. Protections in Place

There are so many security solutions you can use to keep threats away from your network. Having these in place will make it a lot more difficult for your business to be breached, in the first place. 

4. Establish a Process

Communicate with your team so you can identify and rectify the issue at hand. To do this, you’ll need to have an established process. Also, keep in mind who will need to be notified after a breach happens like government entities, business associates, and the media.

5. Review and Adjust

When your response protocol has been drafted, have multiple pairs of eyes overlook it to make sure nothing is being missed or skipped over. Having this response will make a tragedy so much easier and bearable for your team. Give MyTek a call today for help forming your data breach response plan.

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