Reducing the amount of money that a small or medium business has to spend is always good news. One way to do this is using VoIP solutions, otherwise known as Voice over Internet Protocol. Today we’re going to talk about how VoIP’s are a budget friendly option for businesses of all sizes, and how MyTek can help you set one up.
You might want to know what a VoIP is first.
Understanding Voice over Internet Protocol
First you’ll need to know how telephones work. Originally, the phone worked by taking the sounds of a voice and turning it into an electronic wave, then it was sent over to the other person and was converted back into a sound. Now, digital phones translate sound into packets of binary data that is then transmitted to the other person across the internet.
How Does VoIP Ultimately Save My Business Money?
There are many different ways that VoIPs can save your business money. Let’s look at each of them.
You’re Paying for One Less Thing
VoIPs save your business money because they get rid of one of the utilities that you usually pay for a.k.a. your telephone bill. Since VoIP uses the internet instead you will only need a wireless internet connection and no phone bill. While this might be an issue if you were to ever lose internet connection, it might be worth it in the end if your business can save a pretty penny.
IT Consulting Tip: VoIP is Easier
Dealing with phone calls, setting up phone lines and all of the rest of that, VoIp makes things a lot easier for your team. You will never need to redesign your entire office to set up phone lines ever again.
IT Consulting Tip: VoIP is More Efficient
While we don’t know exactly what industry you’re a part of, receiving multiple phone calls a day about the same topic can waste a lot of your business’ time. Sometimes, VoIP solutions allow you to set up automated recording that can walk your customers through specific situations. That way, your employees won’t need to repeat this info a million times a day.
There are so many other benefits to using VoIP solutions that we would love to share with you. Give MyTek a call today to learn more at 623-312-2444.