Tip of the Week: How to Spot a Scam

Imagine you sit down at your computer one morning, coffee still working to kick in and you get a notification that Microsoft has found a fatal issue that needs to be fixed, and they’ll need remote access to do so or your entire network could fail. In the heat of the moment, would you be able to recognize the scam or would you fall into the trap? Scams like these, which are tech support scams, are very common and have found to be effective.

Today, we’re going to talk about how to recognize scams, so you can avoid them at all costs. First of all, it is best to be vigilant and to recognize scams before you let them through. And if they do get through, you should be working with an IT consultant who will make all of the difference in how your business takes on these threats. We’re going to discuss how big of a problem these scams are, how to recognize scams and how to work with a company like MyTek who will help you when needed.

Scams Are An Issue Around The World

These tech support scams are an issue everywhere, although usually in the United States, India, and China. However, other regions are also subject to tech support scans as well. Even with a great anti-virus, scams can seriously hurt you or your business.

The Indian telemarketer stereotype is unfortunate but has roots in the high level of competition in India’s job market. This job market is extremely difficult, especially for those who are entering the workforce. One example is when a state-owned bank received over 1 and a half million applications for a little over a thousand job openings. This affects everyone in India.

How to Spot Scams

Even if you feel for the person on the other end, you should still protect your business from their scam. Here are some tips to identify them: 

  • A basic rule of thumb – If they claim to be a big brand like Microsoft, it’s pretty sure that it won’t be them. These big organizations don’t often reach out like that, even if the caller ID seems like it could be legit.
  • Not Something You Want Linked to You – Never open a link you are sent by email or if your computer gets a pop up image, restart it immediately. Some scams even use ads to trick you, especially if they know what they are looking for.
  • Keep Control– If they are requesting remote access, don’t agree. Unless you know for a fact that it is someone you trust, never surrender your computer over to someone. 

MyTek is here to help you mitigate tech support scams and other scams, so please reach out if you would like to try 30 days free or have any questions by calling us at 623-312-2440.

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