What to do When Your IT Team Checks Out

When your IT team checks out, whether mentally or physically, it’s a critical issue that can affect every aspect of your business, from productivity to profitability. Addressing this issue requires understanding the root causes and exploring both internal solutions and the potential for outsourcing. The IT team is often the backbone of a business, ensuring that all systems operate smoothly and efficiently. When they disengage, it can lead to significant disruptions. Recognizing the signs early—such as missed deadlines, a spike in errors, or a decline in proactive communications—is crucial. Understanding the “why” behind the disengagement can guide you toward the right solution.

So let’s delve into strategies and considerations for rejuvenating or restructuring your IT team.

Internal Vs. Outsourced IT Teams

The debate between maintaining an internal IT team or outsourcing IT needs is not new, but it has become more relevant as technology evolves and business needs become more complex. Each option has its pros and cons.

Internal IT:


  • Better understanding of company culture and processes. 
  • Faster response times for in-house issues. 
  • Direct investment in employee growth and loyalty.


  • Higher costs associated with salaries.
  • Paying for Benefits.
  • Ongoing training.
  • Lack of specialized knowledge in rapidly evolving tech areas.

Outsourced IT:


  • Access to a wider range of expertise and cutting-edge technology.
  • Often more cost-effective than maintaining a full in-house team.
  • Scalability to adjust to changing business needs.


  • Potential for misaligned business objectives.
  • Security concerns with sensitive data.
  • Less control over day-to-day operations.
  • Different Business Models.

Different IT Personnel Structures

Fully In-House IT 

This model relies on recruiting, hiring, and training IT professionals to handle all tech-related tasks. Ideal for businesses with highly specialized needs or those prioritizing close integration of IT with other departments.

Hybrid Model 

A mix of in-house staff for core IT functions while outsourcing specialized or peak-load tasks. This model aims to balance control with flexibility and access to broader expertise.

Fully Outsourced IT

All IT tasks, from helpdesk to strategic planning, are outsourced to a third-party provider. Suitable for businesses looking to reduce operational complexities and focus on core competencies.

Examples and Considerations

Internal IT Example

A mid-sized financial firm might maintain an internal IT team to ensure that they have full-time employees dedicated to maintaining high-security standards and compliance with financial regulations. The in-house team allows for a deep understanding of the unique aspects of the financial industry, providing tailored IT solutions.

Outsourced IT Example

A startup focusing on e-commerce might opt to outsource its IT needs to manage costs and benefit from immediate access to a wide range of expertise. As the business grows, the outsourced team can quickly adapt to provide more resources or specialized skills.

After deciding between an internal or outsourced IT solution, it’s imperative to continuously monitor and manage the effectiveness of your choice. This involves regular evaluations, open communication, and adaptability to change.

What are the other things to consider when determining which model is best for you?

Monitoring and Managing IT Effectiveness

  1. Establishing Metrics

Define clear performance metrics for your IT team, whether internal or outsourced. This might include response times, issue resolution rates, user satisfaction scores, and system uptime percentages. Regularly review these metrics to ensure the IT team meets business needs.

  1. Regular Feedback and Communication

Create a culture of open communication. For an internal team, this means regular meetings and feedback sessions. For outsourced teams, establish a routine of detailed reporting and review meetings. Ensure there is clarity regarding expectations and any areas of concern.

  1. Training and Development

For internal teams, invest in ongoing training and professional development to keep skills up-to-date and to foster innovation. For outsourced teams, ensure the provider is continually updating their knowledge and skills to deliver the best service.

  1. Scalability and Flexibility

Business needs change, and your IT support needs to adapt accordingly. For internal teams, this might mean hiring or training staff in new technologies. For outsourced teams, it could involve negotiating flexible terms to scale services up or down based on demand.

  1. Security and Compliance

Constantly review and update security protocols and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This is critical for both internal and outsourced solutions, as data breaches or compliance failures can have severe consequences.

Case Studies

Consider the story of a healthcare provider who switched from an internal IT team to a hybrid model due to the need for 24/7 support and specialized knowledge in healthcare technologies. By maintaining a core internal team for day-to-day operations and strategic planning while outsourcing specialized tasks and after-hours support, they were able to improve service quality and patient satisfaction.

Alternatively, a tech startup initially used a fully outsourced IT model to manage costs and focus on product development. However, as the company grew and its operations became more complex, it transitioned to a hybrid model. This change allowed them to maintain control over critical product development aspects while still benefiting from the outsourced team’s specialized skills and scalability.

As we continue to explore the nuances of managing an effective IT team, whether in-house or outsourced, it’s critical to understand the evolving landscape of technology and its implications for your business strategy. Here are further considerations and strategies for ensuring that your IT team, in whatever form it takes, remains an asset rather than a liability.

Embracing Technological Advancements

Staying Current

Technology evolves rapidly. Encourage or require that your IT team, whether internal or outsourced, stays current with technological advancements and industry best practices. This could involve attending workshops, webinars, or taking certification courses.

Innovative Solutions

Encourage a culture of innovation where the IT team is always looking for ways to improve processes, reduce costs, or enhance security through new technologies. This might involve exploring cloud services, AI, or machine learning solutions.

Leadership and Vision

IT Leadership

Whether you have an internal CTO or a contact at your outsourced provider, ensure they have a clear vision for how IT will support and enhance the business strategy. Leadership in IT should not only be about managing a team but also about being a strategic partner to the business.

Alignment with Business Goals

Regularly revisit how the IT strategy aligns with broader business goals. This involves communication between department heads, executives, and IT leaders to ensure everyone is moving in the same direction.

Risk Management

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Ensure your IT strategy includes robust disaster recovery and business continuity plans. This is vital for minimizing downtime and protecting data in the event of a system failure, natural disaster, or cyber attack.

Regular Audits

Conduct regular audits of IT processes, security measures, and performance. This helps identify potential risks or inefficiencies and allows for timely corrective actions.

Cultivating the Right Culture

Encouraging Engagement

Foster a positive work environment for your IT team. This includes recognizing achievements, providing challenging and meaningful work, and ensuring a healthy work-life balance. Engaged employees are more likely to be proactive and committed to the company’s success.

Understanding and Addressing Burnout

IT professionals often face high levels of stress and burnout. Understand the signs and work to address the causes, whether it’s workload, lack of resources, or unclear expectations.

Ultimately, the decision to keep IT in-house, outsource it, or adopt a hybrid model is multifaceted. It requires a deep understanding of your business needs, the technological landscape, and the capabilities of available IT solutions. By staying informed, being strategic, and fostering a positive and proactive IT culture, you can ensure that your IT team is a powerful ally in achieving business success. 

It’s not just about “checking in” but about moving forward with a dynamic and effective team that can adapt to and embrace the challenges of a digital world. Your IT team, in whatever form, should not just support your business; it should help it thrive.

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