While most companies have become pretty comfortable with remote work, there are potential drawbacks that can affect team dynamics with the lack of company socialization. While working online has been able to keep people safe while on task, it has also eliminated small talk and team building that were ever-present beforehand.
Here are some ways to keep your tea social, while migrating through a remote workplace.
First of all, why is this important?
While there are many aspects to keeping a company running, the entire dynamic is based on your employees interacting with each other. While they may love what they do and love the company itself, it is also very important that they are feeling fulfilled within their team. Small talk and friendly banter often lead teams to be stronger and have better connections.
So, if your team is currently working completely remotely, your team isn’t able to have these conversations and interactions. No casual chats by the water cooler, no conference table chatter. While the task at hand is to get the work done, nurturing the team can be equally as important. Keeping these friendly relationships between your employees can be hard to do while working from home, but it is possible.
How to Improve Remote Socialization
First, you should encourage your team members to interact more throughout the day using the tools that your company has. Even if it isn’t necessarily work-related, encourage conversation. Another similar tactic is using new tools that were created for this exact reason. Many companies have begun using Discord, which is a platform originally designed for making gaming more communicative and collaborative. Companies have used this platform to get their employees chatting and socializing throughout the workweek.
If you’re on the search for tools to help your company communicate, MyTek can help find everything you will need to keep your team flourishing.