Take Control Over Your Facebook Security Settings and 2FA

Now that we’ve gone over how to upkeep your security on Facebook, we’re going to go over some simple ways to upkeep your privacy on the site.

First step is to head over to the security settings on your Facebook account. This is where we’ll be staying for this article. 

Verify the General Account Settings are Correct

First, make sure all of the email addresses connected to your account are your own. If there is an old email you don’t use anymore, we would recommend removing it. Next, check out when and where you’ve logged into Facebook. There is a log of every time your account has been logged into, including when, the browser used and the geolocation of where. If there is anything suspicious in this section, we recommend changing your password right away. You can also click the three dots next to any log in to have it log that device out.

If you haven’t changed your password in a long time, we also recommend you do so now. Keeping your account safe means creating a new password every six months, or year. Never use the same password for more than one different account online.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two factor authentication is one of the best tools to keep your online accounts safe. It adds an additional barrier when you log in. You can either choose to use the authentication app or by using Google or Duo authenticator. Another option is to use text messages for authentication. Always add a backup so you don’t get locked out of your account.

Setting Up Extra Security

There is even an extra security section in which you can add an additional email address and have security alert notifications sent to you through email, messenger, SMS or Facebook notification. You can also choose 3-5 contacts to contact if you were to get locked out of your account. 

We hope this helps you upkeep your privacy on Facebook. If you need help with your business privacy, give MyTek a call at 623-312-2444.

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