Tip of the Week: Changing Your Network Profile

For connecting to different networks, the Windows operating system has different settings. While this may seem like a little detail to focus on, it may actually have huge ramifications on your security and your business. Today, we’re going to talk about how to use your network profile, based on your situation, to stay secure and safe.

What is a Network Profile?

If a Windows 10 device connected to a new network connection, it will prompt the user to see if it should be discoverable by other devices on the same network. Saying Yes will make the network private, saying No will make it public.

These settings are referred to as the kind of network your device is connecting to and what level of security you think your device should have. If you are on a company network, which security protected on it, along with the people you need to collaborate already connected, Private will be a great option. If you are using your device in a public setting, you don’t want to let hackers have access to you or your data.

Switching the Network Profile

There are a few different ways to switch the network profiles that your device uses in Windows 10. One is the in the built-in settings app. To use this method, open Setting and go to the “Network and Internet” selection. Then, you can select the type of connection you are establishing from the left panel. If you are connected to a network through an ethernet cord, you will select the Ethernet option, but otherwise, you will use the Wi-Fi selection. Then, click on the Network selection on the right panel. You can then decide if you want a public or private network profile. 

Domain Networks

Enterprise workplaces often use third network profiles, called a domain network. Unlike the private and public profile options, network administrators can set up its use and it can be applied when a device is in the workplace. 

For more network information, look for more MyTek blogs or call us today at 623-312-2440.

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